Hotter & Weirder
The Spinster Life Podcast
A Brief History of Women in Athletics

A Brief History of Women in Athletics

Haley Shapley is the author of Strong Like Her, a look at the history of female athletes. Shapley's own foray into weightlifting gave her a unique insight into the way women's bodies are viewed in relation to fitness and made her curious if women have always been judged more than men.

The short answer is yes. Enragingly, yes. But as Shapley started researching how women throughout history stayed fit, she found more layers to the story. And she learned about some amazing women who made fitness history.

We discuss the obscure art of pedestrianism, how impractical wool swimming costumes truly are, and how weightlifting got a foothold in American culture.

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Hotter & Weirder
The Spinster Life Podcast
Whether you're single by choice, by chance, or by circumstance, we show you how to celebrate being a single woman. Being single isn't a bad thing, no matter what your grandmother keeps telling you.
Don't wait around for a spouse, live your current life to its fullest.